Saturday, 14 November 2015

Best Practices of SEO You Need to Consider

Change always has the meaning of life in this world. The things, which keep on change, are considered the living things. The same thing is related to digital marketing also. Search engines are applying drastic changes in their algorithms now to provide more user friendly websites and Google has the major contribution in it. SEO industry is just trying to provide best practices in its field according to the changes made by Google and it is expected that the New Year will come with more changes in the field of digital marketing and SEO campaigns.

As described before, search engine optimization has been changing drastically since 2011 and these changes have changed the concept of marketing internationally. It is what the marketing is on internet. For explaining changes in SEO and digital marketing, some of very best educated ideas are being shared with you.

Content Writing – Google’s main Focus

The content should be relevant and as per the keywords and audience requirement. Google focuses more on content so the most important thing for SEO is the content of the website. Now the value of keywords has now decreased and quality of the content is more reliable for digital marketing. This does not mean that you should leave the keywords now; rather you should write custom content but more focus should be on words.

SEO is possible only when Mobile Versions are available

Some years back, there was no need of mobile versions and mobile applications for websites in digital marketing but now this trend has been vanished. The basic ingredient of SEO is now the mobile friendly applications. It is due to the fact that mobile searches crossed desktop searches officially in January 2015. If you have no mobile versions or mobile applications, you will now definitely loss 35% of the traffic definitely.

Link Building is still the key but relevancy has the meaning now

Link building is still very important for SEO campaigns but some changes are now being implemented. Now back links which are coming to and from other websites should be from relevant websites. Now the links are more focused on content whether it belongs to the website or not.

Visual Based SEO is important now

Quality content including visual based SEO is now attracting more viewers and those pages, which have images, videos and graphics have more acceptance. Video marketing is now a new trend in SEO and getting popularity internationally.

Negative SEO is a Threat

Sometimes before, negative SEO has some chances of survival but now Google has made such changes due to which the chances of negative SEO are minimized. Now you can only be fair for digital marketing and SEO campaigns. Now it is the biggest threat for business owners so they should be very careful about negative SEO.

Importance of Social Signals has increased

Social signals are now become more reliable for the websites and the importance of these signs are now as important as the content also. Experts are now expecting that content and social signals will be now more related and integrated in very near future.

For concluding, we can say that SEO trends are now changed and now new practices are in use now. Some of these new practices have been discussed here which will helpful for the readers.

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